
Paleoreconstructions and archaeomagnetic dating 


Archaeomagnetic dating tools:
Python update of the Matlab archaeo_dating tool. Online calculator.

Holocene global models:
Complete (D, I y F) global model for the last  2000 years (100BC - 1900AD). Using archaeomagnetic and volcanic data (directions and intensity) with a novel weighing technique.
Complete (D, I y F) global model for the first BC millenium (1300BC - 0AD). Using archaeomagnetic and volcanic data (directions and intensity) with a novel weighing technique.
Complete (D, I and F) global model for the last 14000 years. Using archaeomagnetic and volcanic data (directions and intensity).

Regional models for Europe for the last 8000 years:

Complete (D, I y F) European model for the last 4000 years. Using  Europeo para los últimos 4000 años. Using archaeomagnetic and volcanic data (directions and intensity) as input data.
Complete (D, I y F) European model for the period 6000 aC - 1000 aC. Using of archaeomagnetic and lake sediment data (directional and intensity) as input data.

Local paleosecular variation curves:
  • Iberian paleosecular variation curve (published in 2018)
Secular variation curves of the complete geomagnetic vector (D, I and F) for the Iberian Peninsula.

Paleomagnetic dating tools:
Matlab archaeomagnetic dating tool, using global, regional models and paleosecular variation curves of the Earth's magnetic field.

Python update of the Matlab archaeo_dating tool. It is presented as an online calculator.

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